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Why eMax® Skin Rejuvenation Might Be Right for You

Why eMax® Skin Rejuvenation Might Be Right for You

Almost everyone reaches a time when they yearn to erase signs of aging and improve their appearance, but that doesn’t mean they’re ready for plastic surgery. If you’re at that stage, eMax® is a great solution because it uses safe, noninvasive technology to rejuvenate your skin.

At Plastic Surgery Specialists of Boca Raton, board-certified plastic surgeon Rafael C. Cabrera, MD, FACS, is devoted to helping each person maintain healthy, beautiful skin at every stage of life. He offers a range of skin care treatments supporting that goal, and eMax is one of the most versatile, with dual technologies that erase multiple age-related changes.

Why you need skin rejuvenation

Maintaining a good skin care routine, following a healthy diet, and getting plenty of sleep can all slow down the effect of aging on your skin. But no matter how well you take care of your skin, you can’t stop the changes that occur as you get older.

Activity in your skin slows down over time, resulting in less collagen production, dehydration, and a dull complexion. And then there’s the impact of sun exposure. 

You may know that you need to use sunscreen to help prevent skin cancer. But many people aren’t aware that up to 90% of skin aging comes from unprotected exposure to ultraviolet light, whether from sunlight or tanning beds.

Ultraviolet radiation damages your skin (called photoaging) and it doesn’t stop at the surface. Radiation reaches the deep layers of your skin, harming cells, further disrupting collagen production, and leading to age spots.

Amazingly enough, all of these changes improve with nonsurgical skin rejuvenation using the eMax device.

Cosmetic problems eMax treats

Wondering why you should consider eMax? Because eMax takes care of the following skin problems:

The unique technology in the eMax device can also eliminate unwanted hair.

How eMax improves your skin

The eMax device produces exceptional results because it uses two types of technology targeting multiple skin challenges: radiofrequency (RF) energy and intense pulsed light (IPL).

RF energy and IPL work together to strengthen and tighten your skin, restore elasticity, and eliminate unsightly sun damage like brown spots. Here’s how they work.

RF energy strengthens skin

Every few weeks, dead skin cells at the surface fall off. Then they’re replaced with new cells that begin deep in your skin and travel toward the surface. RF energy gently heats cells beneath the skin’s surface, which increases collagen production. 

After eMax therapy, the new skin cells contain more collagen. As a result, your skin becomes strong and resilient, which diminishes the appearance of wrinkles.

IPL erases discolorations

IPL directly targets age spots, veins, and hair follicles — structures that have a color different from your skin. Those colors specifically absorb the IPL’s wavelength, and as they absorb the heat, their cells break down.

You don’t feel it happen, but you will see the problem area disappear over time as your body naturally eliminates the cellular waste.

Are you ready to learn how eMax can rejuvenate your appearance? Call Plastic Surgery Specialists of Boca Raton or use online booking to request an appointment today.

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