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Signs You Could Benefit from Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as “tummy tuck,” is one of the most common procedures plastic surgeons perform. Most people that choose to have the body contouring procedure do so after having children or losing a significant amount of weight.

Are you curious whether you could benefit from tummy tuck? Read on as Dr. Rafael Cabrera reveals several signs that you might be a good candidate for the procedure.

You Have Loose Skin on Your Lower Abdomen

Pregnancy and weight gain can stretch your abdominal skin to the point where it does not contract or “shrink back” over your stomach after you have your baby or lose weight; instead, it remains loose and can sag off your lower abdomen. The only way to get rid of loose, saggy skin is through surgery. Abdominoplasty entails removing loose skin and tightening the remaining skin.

You Diet and Exercise But Can’t Lose the Flab

The second sign you may be a good candidate for tummy tuck is that you are frustrated by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly yet not achieving a flat tummy. Having a flabby stomach can affect how you feel about yourself and how your clothes fit. Tummy tuck will eliminate the flab so you look and feel great.

Your Abdominal Muscles Have Weakened

For most pregnant women and people that gain a significant amount of weight (particularly in the abdomen), the abdominal muscles can weaken and separate. This can affect abdominal core strength and muscle function  —you might not realize it, but we use our abdominal muscles for everything (e.g., sitting up, lifting). Separated abdominal muscles can also adversely affect posture and sometimes cause lower back pain.

Abdominoplasty repairs the abdominal muscles to restore an attractive appearance and optimal muscle function. Most patients that have tummy tuck notice an improvement in their core strength, function and posture.

You Do Not Plan to Have (More) Children

If you are considering a tummy tuck after a pregnancy, you will see the best cosmetic benefits if you are finished having children and do not plan to become pregnant again. Tummy tuck does not affect a woman’s ability to get pregnant or safely carry a child, but having a child after a tummy tuck can have a deleterious effect on your results. Dr. Cabrera recommends you postpone your tummy tuck until you are finished having children.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Cabrera

If you would like to discuss your candidacy for tummy tuck with Dr. Cabrera, please schedule an appointment by contacting the Plastic Surgery Specialists of Boca Raton today.

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